
Become part of a worldwide movement for peace and kindness by joining our daily attunement at 6 pm your local time.
Help co-create a coherent force for peace by opening your heart and spreading love and kindness.

Why not perform one act of kindness per day towards yourself and others?
In a week at least 7 people will benefit. If just 3 of them also spread acts of kindness to 3 more people, then in 20 weeks an incredible 3 billion people will benefit from acts of kindness. It's science!

Our official launch will take place soon.
... so watch this space!
Join our newsletter

We are proposing to use the power of group focus and alignment to become kinder together in order to make a positive and unprecedented impact in everyone's lives, on a daily basis

Partners include organizations such as The Scientific and Medical Network, The Institute of Noetic Sciences, Humanity Rising, The Hague Center and WholeWorld-View.
Further partners are invited to join in.

We have produced a free reminder app that will notify you when it's time to add your rays to our collective beam of light.
The app features relaxing music and famous quotes.

Help co-create a coherent force field
of light and love.

Kindness Champions
A Kindness Champion is an influential person who is already sharing kindness in his/her life and who is willing to support and inspire participants in spreading the importance of lighting up our hearts with kindness.

The Hague Centre
Anne-Marie is a strategist, social alchemist, social architect, innovative co-creator, experienced facilitator and expert in meshworking. She focuses on integral transformation of society into a sustainable world. International experience with communities, businesses, networks, organizations, technology providers, groups of politicians, NGOs.

Dr Peter Fenwick
An emeritus Neuropsychiatrist, ran the epilepsy unit at Kings College Institute of Psychiatry and Maudsley Hospital for many years and is now Emeritus President of the Scientific and Medical Network. He was a trustee to the Prince of Wales Trust for Integrated Health. His research into meditation led to his current interest in spiritual and near death experiences and the whole dying process.

Jude Currivan
The WholeWorld-View Community was co-founded by Dr. Jude Currivan and Gil Agnew in 2017, and is a growing interdependent co-operative of global change agents in service to nurturing our personal and collective need for meaning and belonging, celebrating our innate diversity within a unified whole.
We are in the process of contacting many kindness champions, come back soon

whether you influence people or whether you are an organization that would help spread the word, or are simply tech savvy and would help beta-test our app.
Technology evolves and the KindnessMinute evolves with it.
A free app is imminent. It contains relaxation music and healing sounds, displaying randomly one of the 500+ quotes from many key figures.
Reminder notifications
Relaxation timer
Procedural relaxation music
Key figures inspirational quotes
Arty sync vizualisations
Live attendee counters
and more...
Try a sample version here, press play and relax...

We are now living through a critical period of chaos, conflict and confusion on many levels where there is a pressing need to light a path through to a new future for humanity and the Earth.
Kindness Minute – lighting up our hearts with kindness – replicates the power of the original Silent Minute by beaming out light and love in a coordinated way as a form of inner activism. The world is dominated by fear but yearns to move towards love. This is the New Heaven and the New Earth: this is the Revolution of Love and Kindness.
‘The Silent Minute’ was initiated by Major Wellesley Tudor Pole and inaugurated in November 1940 with the support of King George VI and Sir Winston Churchill. The idea was to spend a minute praying for peace when Big Ben struck 9 pm.
‘The Silent Minute’ became a vast network of hope and goodwill during those dark times and was revived by Dorothy Forster in 1994.
“There is no power on earth that can withstand the united cooperation on spiritual levels of men and women of goodwill everywhere. It is for this reason that the continued and widespread observance of the Silent Minute is of such vital
importance in the interest of human welfare.”
“Remember to devote a minute of your time at 9.00pm each day to prayer, for the healing of the differences between peoples of all nations and coming of world-wide peace.”
Major Wellesley Tudor Pole